Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Benefits of PSEO

Postsecondary Enrollment Options give ambitious high school students a unique opportunity. Providing the challenge and advancement of college courses, PSEO classes allow high school Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors an unparalleled jump-start on their college education for an unimaginable cost to the growing number of broke college students- free!

Explore the World Beyond:
Thousands of Minnesota High School students enroll in college-level courses delivered via postsecondary enrollment options each year, earning themselves advanced placement in their academic standings. Achieving dual credits vital to both the high school and college experience, PSEO courses challenge high school students at a college level of academia, and provide a beneficial introduction to collegiate level expectations.

Taught by college professors- often within a college campus- high school students can experience the academic triumphs of advanced learning while easing their way into future college careers and exploring academic and career possibilities. PSEO classes offer students a free opportunity to study topics outside the scope of high school level curriculum. They also challenge those feeling confined by traditional high school courses and provide a glimpse into life beyond the walls of high school.

Maximize the High School Years:
Completing the same coursework as college students and graded using the same standards, PSEO students receive a college transcript upon completion of PSEO courses which can later be transferred to other public and private colleges as credits already earned. During a nine month school year, the typical full time college student enrolls in an average of 30 credits, at an average cost of around $254.00/credit when attending an in-state public college. Out-of state costs average upwards of $654.00/credit,, and private four-year colleges come in at a staggering $910.00/credit . It is easy to see how quickly PSEO classes can safe a student a huge amount of money. Some students even achieve enough credits to complete an Associate's degree before entering their college years!

Available to most students of public, private, and chartered high schools as well as home-schooled students, postsecondary enrollment courses can offer both on-campus learning opportunities as well as online classes. Some classes may even be offered within the walls of the student’s own high school. With countless options at no cost to students, PSEO courses not only add variety to a high schooler's experience, but concrete value in the form of free college credits funded through the Minnesota Department of Education.

From science and math courses to english and creative writing, PSEO classes present college level learning opportunities and academic advancement to eligible high school students at no cost, and Minnesota State Community and Technical College is the perfect place to begin your journey into postsecondary opportunities. To partner with M State in PSEO endeavors is to partner in success, support, and superior learning opportunities, all while making the very most of your high school experience. We can't wait to be a part of your early success!

Friday, May 15, 2015

How Technology Has Changed Education

m blog.jpgToday’s Technology
College students today have a lot to be thankful for. Technology has made the pursuit of knowledge simpler and more accessible. Also, communication itself has come a very long way, because content is updated almost immediately. Students have access to nearly unlimited resources to answer any question they may have. However, in order to truly understand technology’s impact, one needs to start from the beginning.

The Beginning of the Internet
When the internet was first established, it was used to send collegiate articles across college campuses. Students were able to search through these directories in order to find information relevant to their schoolwork. Since then, the internet has gained more networks, and more content has been added. Individuals were then able to build their own sites, and communicate through online chats.

With more and more individuals with the ability to share content, technology itself became more and more powerful. Megabytes became gigabytes, and cell phones became smartphones. Technology boomed, and new careers emerged. With its advancement, education and technology have worked hand in hand to provide students with more opportunities for knowledge growth.

The Coursework
So, how has technology affected schoolwork? Students now have a variety of assignments they can pick from. Forget essays written on college ruled paper, now blog posts and Facebook updates have become acceptable forms of assessment. Social media as a whole has brought about several new features that educators can use to help their students better understand content.

YouTube has been a remarkable asset for modern day educators. With videos from all around the world, teachers can share relatable content that’s both fun and knowledgeable. Due to its ease of access, students can go back on their own time to re-watch the videos in case information was missed. Students can also upload their own videos as a way of demonstrating to their teacher they fully understood the content.

Online Schooling
One of the biggest impacts technology has made on education is the ability to learn online. Many colleges, including M State Moorhead, now have a variety of online courses. M State even has eCampus, which is an entirely online college campus. Instructors communicate with their students by email, video chats, and a plethora of other ways. Moreover, these students are now able to work school into their schedule as opposed to working around it.

Technology Creates Jobs
Not only has technology open the doors for education, but it has also broadened an individual’s career search. Companies are now actively seeking workers that are tech savvy and up-to-date on today’s trends. In fact, new jobs are being created today for technology that wasn’t even invented ten years ago.

m blog 2.jpgThe health field has taken huge strides thanks to technology, and is always seeking graduates that are able to comprehend its complicated machines. Thanks to social media, almost every company has an individual dedicated to increasing their online presence. Businesses look for writers to publish company blogs, and they hire IT specialists to ensure every network is in working order.

The Future of Technology
Nobody knows exactly where technology is headed, you can guess that it’ll continue to grow. At M State Moorhead, we prepare our students with the most up to date standards of education. Considering how omniscient technology’s growth can be, we want you to feel as though you’re ready to adapt to new changes. Check out our program options today, and get prepared for your future.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sunshine and Summer Classes

Summer.jpgAfter a semester of hard work, the last thing you want to do is start all over again during your summer break. Summer is a time to kick back and relax. However, if you find yourself falling behind on your path to graduate, then summer courses can provide a wonderful opportunity. In fact, there are a variety of benefits that come with summer classes- each providing a way to ease your pursuit towards graduation:

Gaining Knowledge Over Break
First of all, summer classes provide all students with a chance to lighten their course load. The average student is known to take around four to five classes a semester. Even taking two classes during summer allows you to have a few less classes to worry about during the fall or spring semester. This also lowers your cost of attendance during those semesters and frees up more time to work and save up some money.

Secondly, if you are few classes short of graduating, summer classes can help to quicken the pace of graduating. Why wait seven more months to obtain your degree when you can receive it after just three? Graduating sooner means you will have an earlier chance at job openings. This gives you a leg up on those who choose to wait until the end of fall. Moreover, summer classes are usually condensed, so you are actually spending less time in class than in the fall.

summer 2.jpgNow, we understand summer is greatly loved due to the amount of free time students have, but just because you take a few classes during your summer does not mean you are giving up your break. Class lengths are reasonable, yet there are also many classes that can be taken online. Online classes are meant to be flexible, so you will not have to worry about interfering with any summer plans.

Start Your Summer With M State
College is difficult, and M State Moorhead knows how important it is for students to have time to decompress. That is why we try to provide students with many possibilities to advance them through college. If you are interested in our summer courses, then contact us to get yourself on the right  path. You do not have to give up your summer to get closer to reaching your dreams!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Spring into the Summer

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Spring is here, and that means the end of the semester is near. Unfortunately for some, that also means a lot of planning. Many students will be nearing the end of their college careers, and some are unsure of what steps they should be taking. Luckily, we are here to help.

There are many paths you can take upon the conclusion of your spring semester. Some paths may be searching for a potential job opening, others may be looking for a summer internship. Perhaps you may not be in college at all, but you would like to enroll. Whatever you may be thinking, the key is to properly plan ahead. So, here are our tips to help you with your summer plans.

Job Searching
linkedin.jpgIf this is your last year in school, then you may want to begin searching for job openings or internships in your field of study. There are several ways to go about searching for these openings. One way is going through your school’s job postings. Several business and corporations will release openings to colleges in which they have established relationships with. Be sure you ask your professors if you are unsure of how to find these openings.

Another great way to search for openings is through online job searching sites. LinkedIn has grown astronomically since its induction, and many businesses throughout the country use it. If you are planning on looking for a job or internship outside of your college’s area, than you will want to use sites like this. Others include Monster or Indeed.

Applying During Summer

At this point, you may have missed the opportunity to apply to most universities and four-year schools. However, many community colleges offer later admission for individuals interested in furthering their education. If you find yourself wanting to pursue a college degree, then you will want to contact the college’s office of admissions. These numbers can be found online on each individual college website.

What are your Summer Plans?
Whatever plans you may have for your summer, M State Moorhead wants to be a part of it. If you have been planning to further your education then look no further than our many campuses across the state. No matter what your intended path may be, we are happy to provide you with the foundation you need. Become a Spartan, and contact M State.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Start Smart: Higher Education for Students with Disabilites

People of all abilities deserve to attend college. At M State, we strive to connect individuals with disabilities with the resources and services that make higher education a possibility. In order to make the process of applying to college even easier, we have partnered with Lakes County Service Cooperative to present Start Smart, a series of college orientation and campus life opportunities for high school students with disabilities.

What’s on the Agenda?

Start Smart begins on respective campus at 9:30 am and ends at 1:00 pm. Each student will have the opportunity to partake in a campus tour, an introduction to disability services on campus, participate in a question/answer session with a panel of other students with disabilities, discover financial aid options and procedures, and discuss counseling services, mental health and wellness activities for college students.

Participants will also receive an introduction to student services including tutoring, writing centers, expectations of college-level work, and information on class time to homework ratio.

What can I expect from Start Smart?

Students can expect a day full of experiential learning lead by M State staff, participation in a small group, meeting with other students with disabilities interested in college as an option after high school. All materials will be provided, including lunch.

What are the program objectives?

The high school participant will gain an awareness of the facilities and services on our campus, develop an understanding of disability services available at a post-secondary level, including eligibility requirements, documentation of disability, and accommodations, modifications, or other services. The students will also

Who should attend?

High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with disabilities are invited to attend Start Smart. Teachers and/or parents are encouraged to attend with their students.

Choose to attend one or any combination of

When and where does Start Smart take place?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015

Registration Information

Special educators, students, and parents can register online at: lcsc.org

Click on the link to go to the workshops page and scroll down to the “Smart Start” session. Select the date and location you want to register for.

Please provide notification of need for accommodations: i.e. mobility, print materials, alternate format, at time of registration.

This activity is designed to be delivered as a part of the high school special education program. Schools and or parents are asked to provide sign language interpreters for students who require them.

More Information

If further questions, contact:

Troy Haugen or Paula Johnson
Lakes County Service Cooperative
Fergus Falls

Carrie Hanson
Runestone Area Partnership

Monday, December 29, 2014

Refrigeration and air conditioning: An exciting and expanding industry

What is a Refrigeration and Air Conditioning program?

Students studying Refrigeration and Air Conditioning work with both residential and commercial heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration equipment. Technicians are trained to provide the technology to control the environment in any enclosed area - from a home to a space capsule!

Students in our program learn to research and develop applications of more efficient, cost-effective equipment and procedures. Everyday new, exciting and energy-saving innovations are being developed in this industry.

That sounds great, but what is the job outlook?

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, “employment of heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers is projected to grow 21 percent from 2012 to 2022, faster than the average for all occupations.” This rapidly expanding industry with its new technologies not only provides new job opportunities, but creates numerous possibilities for advancement.

How do I get started?

You can learn more about this exciting program at Minnesota State Community and Technical College here. Read through course outlines, program highlights, and more! You can also contact us and speak to our enrollment team for more information at 877-450-3322.

With M State we want to help you get in, get out, and get hired!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

M State Open House Showcases College Opportunities

Oct. 15, 2014
For Release: Immediate
Minnesota State Community and Technical College
Contact: Peter Wielinski – 218-631-7810 – peter.wielinski@minnesota.edu

M State open house showcases college opportunities

MOORHEAD, Minn. – Minnesota State Community and Technical College invites prospective students, parents and community members to visit the Moorhead campus during an open house from 4-8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27.

At the open house, visitors will be able to:
  • Learn about M State, watch program demonstrations, get questions answered by instructors and administrators, and hear from M State students
  • Apply to M State and get a $50 gift certificate redeemable at an M State bookstore when you register for classes
  • Check out the campuses by touring classrooms and facilities to see the learning environment, technology and equipment
  • Receive information on financial aid, scholarships and veterans services
  • Visit the eCampus Café, where coffee and treats are on the menu
  • Enjoy refreshments and giveaways
  • Enter a drawing for an iPad Mini or Minnesota Vikings tickets
M State also will have campus open houses from 4-8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28, in Detroit Lakes; Thursday, Oct. 30 in Fergus Falls; and Thursday, Nov. 6, in Wadena. The open houses also coincide with College Knowledge Month, which is marked by colleges nationally during October.

For more information about the open house and M State registration, contact the college’s Solution Center at 877.450.3322.

A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, M State serves more than 9,000 students in credit courses each year in more than 70 career and liberal arts programs at its four campuses in Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Moorhead and Wadena, and through eCampus. By partnering with communities, the college also provides custom training services and other responsive training programs.

Minnesota State Community and Technical College is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System and is an equal opportunity educator / employer. Upon request, this information is available in alternative formats.